This week Atlanta City Council will hold the last committee meetings before considering the budget in the full Council meeting Tuesday, June 20th. Here's what we're watching from the Transportation and Finance committee agendas.
(Update: The Transportation Committee did not have quorum at their scheduled meeting time, so the committee will consider legislative items in a committee of the whole session before the full Council meeting on the 20th.)
Transportation Committee
- MARTA's quarterly report: this will be the first quarterly briefing after Atlanta City Council approved a City audit of the More MARTA program (read more in the AJC).
- 23-O-1288: to accept $1.2 million grant from USDOT for preliminary engineering on the Peachtree Street "streetscape" project, GDOT PI 0019202 (read more on our blog)
- 23-O-1300: to establish the "Atlanta Fatal Vehicle Collision Review Commission" to conduct in-depth reviews of fatal crashes on streets in Atlanta and submit recommendations to make those streets safer
- 23-R-3683: to complete $1 Million in improvements to the intersection of Monroe Drive and 10th Street
- 23-R-3684: to allocate $7.8 Million to Buckhead Community Improvement District to repave and add safety improvements to West Paces Ferry Road
- 23-R-3685: to ask the Mayor to ask departments to set policies for street width, lane width, crosswalks, and bulb-outs
- 23-R-3701: to allocate $125,000 from District 12 discretionary funding to ATLDOT for Safe Routes to School in District 12
- 10 requests for all-way stops
- 5 requests for traffic calming
Take Action
For the past few years, Propel ATL has initiated site visits with elected officials and ATLDOT staff at the location of fatal crashes involving people using sustainable transportation (here's one example: Boulevard). We've done this to identify street design issues that may have contributed to these tragic and preventable fatalities, and to work with the City to identify potential solutions. Ultimately, our goal is for the City to formalize this process and dedicate resources to the effort, to prevent future fatal crashes and save lives. We plan to comment in support of this legislation
- FY 2024 Personnel Ordinance discussion (substituted if needed) and forwarded to City Council
- FY 2024 Budget Ordinance discussion (substituted if needed) and forwarded to City Council
Take Action
At previous City of Atlanta discussions of the upcoming year's general fund budget, Finance Committee Chair Alex Wan said he expected amendments to the ATLDOT operating budget during this meeting. We plan to attend and comment in support of an increase. You can email or Tweet at your Councilmember by using this link.