Just-adopted ATLDOT funding poised to increase July 3

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Visualization of the proposed ATLDOT budget from Center for Civic Innovation         

Thank you to everyone who took action to push for more transportation capacity during the City of Atlanta’s Fiscal Year 2024 budgeting process! You emailed your Councilmembers, showed up to “Bring the Noise,” and commented during public meetings. The media covered our advocacy, noting “Atlanta mayor proposes cutting transportation budget by 12 percent” and asking “Why does Dickens’ biggest-ever city budget cut funds from Atlanta DOT?

We are delighted to share that there were some notable victories. One of them includes securing $200,000 in funding for Atlanta Streets Alive, ensuring its return to our streets this fall. This milestone represents a step forward for our community.

Despite these successes, we must address the challenging news. The general operating budget includes a $13 million cut to the Atlanta Department of Transportation (ATLDOT) budget. However, there is still hope on the horizon. During the June 20th Council meeting, Councilmember Dustin Hillis introduced an ordinance to increase ATLDOT's funding by a total of $12 million.

If approved, this increase would significantly reduce the gap between the FY2022 spending of $62.9 million and the proposed FY2024 operating budget of $50.3 million. We're thrilled to share that all Councilmembers have signed on to support this legislation, which has been referred to the Transportation Committee. The committee is scheduled to convene on June 28th, and we anticipate its approval during the July 3 Atlanta City Council meeting. This additional funding would greatly enhance the City's ability to repair and improve our streets, making them safer for all.

To continue to build momentum in our efforts to see safer streets throughout Atlanta, we ask for your continued support. There are several ways you can contribute and make a difference. Please consider exploring these options to give and support our work.

Together, we have demonstrated the power of our collective voice and determination. Let's keep propelling Atlanta forward and creating a city with streets that prioritize safety and accessibility for all. Your ongoing support is crucial!




  • Rebecca Serna
    published this page in News 2023-06-27 13:22:10 -0400
  • Rebecca Serna
    published this page in News 2023-06-27 10:12:12 -0400
