We've join Midtown Neighbors’ Association and advocates throughout the city in calling for some long-overdue changes. Read on to learn more!
Image from opening ride for the 10th Street protected LIT lane
Like thousands of you each day, we use Atlanta’s first two-way protected bike lane on 10th Street a LOT. That means we also experience all the issues with this facility – from missing flexposts that expose riders to risk of being hit by cars, to trash and leaves that cause wheels to slip, to cars and trucks parked in the lane that block access completely.
Despite its popularity with workers, students, residents, and visitors as a bike and scoot route, 10th Street remains on the city’s High-Injury Network, those streets responsible for the majority of serious and fatal crashes in Atlanta.
That’s why years ago we advocated for the LIT (Light Individual Transportation) lane to remain open during Music Midtown. It's why we volunteered with Midtown Alliance and the Atlanta Department of Transportation (ATLDOT) to help install a pop-up bike lane in 2019.
And it’s why we’ve closely followed the Midtown Neighbors’ Association's efforts as they work with ATLDOT and Atlanta City Council members to remedy the situation.
Now, we join Midtown Neighbors’ Association and advocates throughout the city in calling for some long-overdue changes. Read on to learn more!
We strongly support the changes recommended by Midtown Neighbors’ Association, including:
Install sturdy barriers to better protect people on bikes and scooters:
- Contiguous custom sized cement jersey barriers from Myrtle Street to Monroe Drive
- Appropriately eased gaps at and approaching all crosswalks with warning paint indications within the lane
- Barriers bolted or secured to roadway from Myrtle to Charles Allen Drive (west)
- Barriers not bolted or secured to roadway from Charles Allen Drive (east) to Monroe Drive for removal by only Class A events approved for barrier removal with appropriate machinery and possible additional fees for any damage or loss of barriers resulting from the movement
- Purchase a mini-sweeper to regularly clean our network of LIT lanes
- Start construction in Spring 2024 (concurrent with the Monroe/10th Street intersection redevelopment)
We stand ready to advocate until this corridor is eradicated from the High-Injury Network!
Other planned 10th Street Improvements
Georgia Tech and Upper Westside CID are working hard to build out the multi-modal facilities on the western part of 10th St. Georgia Tech is finalizing their multi-use path between Hemphill and Northside Drive on the south side of 10th St.
From there, Upper Westside will be improving pedestrian access across the 10th/Northside signal and extending a cycle track on the south side of 10th St to connect into the Brady Ave cycle track. Upper Westside CID is currently permitting their improvements aiming to begin construction Summer 2024.