2025 Advocacy Agenda: Infrastructure & Policy

Our 2025 agenda was developed based on valuable feedback from stakeholders, coalition members, the work of volunteers on our advocacy committee, the advocacy staff on our team, and our audience. Together, we’ve shaped a vision for an Atlanta where everyone can move safely, easily, and sustainably throughout the Atlanta metro. 

Explore our infrastructure recommendations

Accelerate progress on sidewalks and Safe Streets

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Design separated bus & bike lanes in More MARTA projects

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Overhaul street design within school zones

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Explore our policy recommendations

City of Atlanta: Complete Streets, budget, parking, zoning

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MARTA: redesign bus network for frequent, reliable, equitable service

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DeKalb County: adopt Vision Zero with focus on street design

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#1: Accelerate progress on sidewalks and Safe Streets projects

Top priority: We will work to ensure the City of Atlanta makes faster progress on sidewalks and safe streets projects funded by the Moving Atlanta Forward infrastructure bond. These projects are essential to creating a more connected and accessible city for all residents. The latest City audit found that progress has been slowed due to insufficient staff to manage projects, not following the strategic plan, and lack of prioritization. Auditors also flagged inequitable spending, with most happening in wealthier Council districts. 

We will collaborate with communities, neighborhoods, NPUs, and Council Districts to identify which projects would benefit most from advocacy efforts and create street campaigns around those projects. 

#2: Design separated bus & bike lanes in More MARTA projects

We will advocate for MARTA and the Atlanta Department of Transportation (ATLDOT) to design More MARTA projects with physically separated, dedicated lanes for buses, and for people biking or scooting. We'll also call for integrated or floating bus stops that safely connect multiple forms of transportation, making streets more inclusive. 

#3: overhaul street design within school zones to prevent speeding

We will advocate for comprehensive safety overhauls of streets equipped with school-zone speed cameras to proactively reduce speeding.

These changes will save lives and minimize risks to children, teachers, families, and staff commuting to and from school by preventing crashes through street designs that prioritize safety and slow vehicle speeds.


City of Atlanta: Complete Streets, budget, parking, zoning

We will call on the City of Atlanta to take the following actions:

Adopt a Complete Streets policy or street design standards as a City ordinance: A Complete Streets Policy Framework prioritizes the needs of the most vulnerable users and ensures users are prioritized and tangible changes are in every project. (Learn more about the 10 Elements of Complete Streets here or check out this example policy and  ordinance.) While the City of Atlanta has Complete Streets language and principles in existing plans, a standalone ordinance will increase public accountability. 

Fully fund and staff ATLDOT: Provide ATLDOT with the resources needed to meet community transportation needs, get projects built, and implement the City’s Vision Zero Action Plan.

Create a new parking contract & revenue allocation: Champion that revenue collected from parking fees go to the Safety and Mobility Fund, which will finance sustainable transportation projects, including bike/scoot lanes and pedestrian infrastructure.

Approve transit-supportive zoning for high-frequency bus corridors: Advocate for zoning overlays along high-frequency bus corridors to encourage transit-oriented development. These policies should include affordable housing requirements to ensure equitable access to transit.

MARTA: redesign bus network for frequent, reliable, equitable service

We will advocate for MARTA to redesign its bus network with equity at the core by prioritizing frequent and reliable bus service on high-ridership routes. We will also push for on-demand transit options for areas with reduced fixed routes to ensure no communities are left without access to public transportation.


DeKalb County: adopt Vision Zero with focus on street design

We will work with DeKalb County to adopt a Vision Zero policy that commits to eliminating traffic fatalities and serious injuries. We will call for this to take the form of a safe-systems approach that emphasizes roadway design over enforcement. We will push the county to prioritize sidewalks, safe crossings, and protected bike lanes on dangerous corridors, especially for people walking, biking, scooting, or waiting for the bus.

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