Zoning for Safer Streets around the BeltLine: A Progress Update

Here’s a quick update on recent ordinances to create safer streets along the BeltLine and where we go from there!

As of the recent City Council meeting on Tuesday, August 22, two ordinances have successfully passed the full council. These ordinances pertain to prohibiting new drive-thrus or drive-ins and service stations. This is a significant step forward in our shared goal of fostering safer and more pedestrian-friendly streets.

However, the ordinance regarding eliminating parking minimums is taking a slightly different path....

That ordinance is being referred back to the Zoning Review Board (ZRB) and the Community Development/Human Services (CDHS) committee. Councilmembers Hillis and Wan are proposing a substitute amendment to the ordinance that will contribute positively to the overall effort. The proposed substitute reads as follows:


“Minimum parking: With the exception of the minimum parking requirements applicable to Commercial Food Preparation, Delivery-based commercial kitchens, and Eating and Drinking Establishments which shall be determined by the 3 underlying zoning, there will be no minimum parking requirement within the BeltLine Overlay District.”


Furthermore, due to these changes, it's important to note that Neighborhood Planning Units (NPUs) will be revisiting and re-voting on the adjusted ordinance. This dynamic process underscores the importance of community engagement and active participation.

Just a small sampling of the overwhelming support you've shown so far!

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to those of you who reached out to your representatives via calls, emails, or social media to express your support for these three crucial ordinances. Your voices genuinely make a difference.


As we move forward, we encourage you to stay engaged and tuned. We are committed to bringing these significant changes to fruition, and together, we will create safer and more vibrant streets along the BeltLine.


Thank you for your ongoing support, and let's keep working towards our shared vision of a safer BeltLine for all.

  • Kira Pike
    published this page in News 2023-08-24 19:37:24 -0400
