Open House: Monroe Drive/Boulevard Complete Street Project - Woodward Avenue to McDonough Boulevard

Thanks to the successful advocacy of residents that formed A Safer Boulevard, this segment has been added to the broader discussion on what will happen to Monroe Drive/Boulevard Complete Street Project. As a member of A Safer Boulevard pointed out, "Boulevard was recommended for a road diet in Connect Atlanta 2008 and was #12 on a priority list of more than 200 . . . PS-RD-002 Boulevard Three-Lane Conversion Road Diet Lane Reduction to On-Street Parking Bulbouts and Left Turn Lanes."

From A Safer Boulevard, "any successful redesign will have the following components:

  • Lane reduction for the entire length of the redesign
  • Excellent safety to support any current or future bus routes along Boulevard
  • Protected pedestrian crossings with highly visible signals that support resident safety and the use of community assets including parks and businesses
  • Protected connectivity between the Beltline and Memorial corridor for cyclists and pedestrians
  • Integrated traffic flow management solutions which take into account
  • The future Gateway parking deck entrance to prevent the build up and spillover of traffic onto Boulevard during peak hours
  • Pedestrian and cyclist safety over the Glenwood intersection and the I-20 bridge and entrance and exit points between I-20 and Boulevard"

Please visit A Safer Boulevard's Facebook page and find out how you can help this project go the extra mile!

Please RSVP for this meeting if you're interested in the Complete Street project from Woodward Avenue to McDonough Boulevard. 

For a refresher, please check out our blog post following the last public meeting in March 2017.

June 28, 2018 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Georgia Hill Neighborhood Center
250 Georgia Ave SE
Atlanta, GA 30312
United States
Google map and directions
Ben Foster · · 404-881-1112 x 2

Will you come?
