Monroe Drive Road Diet Needs Your Support

A Morningside resident and mother of four whose children attend Morningside Elementary School has launched a petition to support the Monroe Road Diet
"Right now, cars routinely approach 50mph along that stretch, weaving dangerously, and there is no buffer at all between those cars and the sidewalk in many places. Or, conversely, they are piled up behind left-turning cars, causing blockages and/or accidents," the petition states.

We visited the road just as Grady High School students were getting out of school. Our radar detected cars speeding as fast as 50 mph on a 30 mph road. As you know, this stretch of Monroe leads to 10th Streeta bustling intersection that connects Grady High School, the BeltLine, a separated bike lane, and Piedmont Park.


The road diet, which is part of the Virginia-Highland Master Plan, attempts to address the rampant speeding on this street that leads to fatal crashes. The road diet combined with safety upgrades at Monroe and 10th Street will protect the safety of students and neighbors who bike, walk, and commute on this popular corridor at all times of day, not just during rush hour.

 The City of Atlanta's Renew Atlanta team has extended the public comment period for the Monroe Drive/Boulevard Complete Street project to March 29th. The Complete Street project includes safety upgrades to the intersection at Monroe and 10th Street, protected intersections at major conflict zones, bike lanes on Boulevard, and, perhaps most importantly, a road diet on Monroe Drive that will prioritize safety over car speeds.

 We urge you take these two simple steps to ensure this project becomes a reality.

1. Sign the petition here.

2. Tell Renew Atlanta and Atlanta City Council that you support the road diet and Complete Streets on Monroe Drive/Boulevard!

Please use the template below and take a moment to personalize your message with why the Monroe Drive Road Diet and Complete Street project are important to you. 

TO: [email protected][email protected][email protected];

[email protected][email protected][email protected];

[email protected]

cc: [email protected]

Subject: I Support the Monroe Road Diet and Monroe Drive/Boulevard Complete Streets Project

Comments will be accepted until March 29, 2017

