Ensure Campbellton Road bike/scoot space is protected

96 signatures

Will you sign?

MARTA is advancing plans for Campbellton Bus Rapid Transit...including an old-school bike lane without protection from cars.  

Photo: Propel ATL, from Campbellton corridor community meeting August 13, 2024

Community outreach showed the public wants multi-use paths for biking and walking, but that’s not what’s in the current plan. Sign this petition to call on MARTA to include a physically separated, multi-use path for people biking, walking, and scooting. This is a key MARTA transit expansion project — let's make it the best it can be!  

Why provide a safe space for people to bike or scoot along Campbellton Road? 

  • Safety: Campbellton Road is on the High-Injury Network, and we've heard repeatedly of community concerns over speeding cars. MARTA’s plans call for safety to be a priority.
  • Equity: Residents have experienced a long period of disinvestment. Skimping on any part of this project is not an option.
  • Mobility: people will need to get to the Bus Rapid Transit project. MARTA’s goals include “improve first and last-mile connectivity.”
  • Encouragement: people who aren’t already biking or scooting are unlikely to start with just an on-street bike lane.

Learn more about the Campbellton Road Bus Rapid Transit project:

Who's signing

Halea Connell
Allie Mariano
Erich Williams
Michael Garber
Kirsten Carella
Eddie Gomez
Gary Brown
Cassandra Webster
Arianna Kautzky
Patrick King
Ximena Pizarro Bore
Hannah Davis
Liam Youngblood
Michael Walker
Marley Kern
Tina Dickenson
Marina Haldopoulos
Magrick Lewis Smith
Courtney Miller
Tejas Kotak
Emma Uppelschoten
Nedra Deadwyler
Carmelle Kendall
yvonne david
borith im
Bryce Jones
Anastasia Kostrominova
Adina Hilton
Syd Haltom
