Donate to our Rainy Day Fund!
Please donate to the Atlanta Bicycle Coalition's Rainy Day Fund. All donors will receive an Atlanta Bicycle Coalition membership (or a one-year extension from the date of donation on a current membership). Donate $250 or more to score a coveted Atlanta Bicycle Coalition hoodie.
Many thanks to ABC Business Member EDISON Electric Bike Co. for donating one of their bicycles for our Rainy Day Fund drive. Donors who contributed any time during the Atlanta Cycling Festival—Saturday, June 10 through Saturday, June 17—are entered for a chance to win an EDISON electric bike! The winner will be selected at random once the donation drive goal is reached.
What's a Rainy Day Fund?
In April, stormy weather called for an early ending to the Atlanta Streets Alive Southside route. While an impressive number of Atlantans braved the downpours to show support for our open streets initiative, we weren't able to gather the memberships and donations during the event that we count on to fund our work.
Your contribution today can keep us on track as we pedal hard toward accomplishing our 2017 priorities. Will you help us reach our $5,000 goal by donating to our Rainy Day Fund?
Gerald Weber donated 2017-06-16 16:44:38 -0400