Transportation Improvements (TSPLOST) 2016


On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, voters will have the chance to approve two referenda to fund investments in MARTA and transportation infrastructure (TSPLOST) expansion. They could inject $2.5 billion over 40 years into MARTA and about $325 to $162 million into transportation projects including bike lanes, neighborhood greenways, and trails. 

1. We support funding MARTA expansion - let's get there!

2. TSPLOST includes some really exciting projects, such as protected bike lanes that would make travel safer for residents on streets like Hank Aaron Dr, Parkway Dr, Cleveland Ave, Campbellton Rd; trails including a Midtown to PATH 400 connection, and dozens of neighborhood greenway projects and funding to acquire land to continue to build the Atlanta BeltLine. 


We advocated for bike share to be included to support stations in that might not otherwise get them if only private funding were used, and the city added $3 million for bike share stations to the list! 

Both the MARTA sales tax and the TSPLOST/transportation sales tax will be on the ballot for voters to consider November 8, 2016. We encourage you to review the projects and to vote yes to both! 

In addition to the City of Atlanta TSPLOST, Fulton County voters will consider $0.75 sales tax to fund transportation projects. Together with the Southern Environmental Law Center, Citizens for Progressive Transit, Georgia Bikes, the Georgia Chapter of the Sierra Club, Partnership for Southern Equity, and PEDS, we called for investing in a range of diverse transportation projects rather than building new roads. Click here to read the joint letter.

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