Important Public Meeting


Our campaign to connect the city by bicycle faces a big opportunity Thursday night.

Please attend a public meeting on the future of Peachtree Road - and whether that future should include space for people on bikes. This project could add miles of connectivity to our city's bike network and the BeltLine, or represent a missed opportunity for years to come. Bring your family, your friends, your coworkers, and let's speak up together for a safer, more walkable and bikeable, livable Peachtree.


What's the meeting about?

Due to the "increasingly vocal anti-bike lane Atlantans" and pushback from neighborhoods adjacent to Peachtree Road, GDOT is considering bike lanes for half the corridor, from the Amtrak station to Peachtree Battle. From there north towards Buckhead, there would be no bike lanes. 

Unless, that is, we speak up and convince them otherwise. 

Also, the section between Deering Rd and Peachtree Battle would include a 4-foot bike lane that we believe should be increased to 5 feet to meet City of Atlanta standards. Political considerations should not trump safety. Let's add Peachtree Road to the city's growing network of streets that are accessible by bike, foot, bus, and car. Complete Streets for all, rather than highways filled with congestion and traffic. 


Details for the meeting

ATTEND this important public meeting to learn about the project and share your views. Bring your family, your friends, your coworkers and let's speak up together for a safer, more walkable and bikeable, livable Peachtree.

  • Drop in - please make sure to leave a written comment. 
  • Attire: professional / casual (please bring a change of clothing if you bike there and normally ride in a kit or spandex.)
  • Let us know you plan to attend

Can't make it Thursday?

You can still weigh in! Send your comments to Ms. Hiral Patel, State Environmental Administrator at the Georgia Department of Transportation: [email protected], Subject: "Peachtree Road Project P.I. 0012870" (Or send mail to GDOT 600 West Peachtree Street NW – 16th Floor Atlanta 30308)

More from ABC on the Peachtree Road project

More information from GDOT on the project - slides with diagrams and street layouts

October 29, 2015 at 5:00pm - 7pm
The Shepherd Center
2020 Peachtree Rd NW
Atlanta, GA 30309
United States
Google map and directions

Will you come?
