Testing intersection solutions
Testing different approaches to intersection safety is a good way to make sure public dollars are spent on solutions with proven benefits. After a trial period, the Atlanta Department of Transportation recently decided to extend the closure of the westbound lane of Faith Ave SE at Bill Kennedy Way SE with a month-long pilot. We hope this will lead to other safety improvements for the key Bill Kennedy Way corridor, which includes one of the city's few protected bike/LIT lanes and connects the BeltLine Eastside Trail.
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Pedestrian fatality site visit: Northside Drive
This is the view from Northside Drive where a young man's life ended suddenly a few months ago. Just 28 years old, he was trying to cross the street when he was hit by the driver of a car and killed. We receive daily reports of fatal crashes from the state department of transportation, and share the reports on sustainable transportation fatalities with the relevant City Council members so they can use the information to advocate for safer streets in their districts.
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Shape the search for next ATLDOT Commissioner
With the recent departure of Commissioner Josh Rowan, the Atlanta Department of Transportation (ATLDOT) is in need of new leadership. Right now the Mayor’s Office is finalizing the interim commissioner, with an announcement likely within the next two weeks. Next begins the official Commissioner search, a process expected to take about four months.
Of course, securing new leadership is only one step in a longer process to continue to build the most effective department possible. The next step is just as key - the new Commissioner must shape the organization in a way that lets it prioritize the very ambitious One Atlanta Strategic Transportation Plan and make faster progress on safety, equity, and mobility in our transportation systems. As ATLDOT embarks on its next stage, we want to hear from you!
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Atlanta general fund budget includes 7.6% increase for ATLDOT
The City of Atlanta Fiscal Year 2023 final budget reallocated $1 Million from the proposed Atlanta Department of Transportation budget to pay for firefighter raises. The adopted ATLDOT budget is $57.5 Million--a 7.6% increase over 2022.
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ICYMI: 2022 Blinkie Awards
On Thursday, May 19th, more than 100 people joined us for our first large in-person event since 2020. The Blinkie Awards is a special annual event where we celebrate accomplishments and advancements related to sustainable transportation made over the past year. Additionally, at the 2022 Blinkies, we debuted our new name and brand. Formerly the Atlanta Bicycle Coalition, we are now Propel ATL.
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Atlanta voters approve $750 Million for transportation and infrastructure
Last night, Atlanta ballot initiatives to pay for transportation projects were approved by voters. The TSPLOST (transportation sales tax) passed with 69% of the vote and the two bond ballot measures received over 80%.
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Atlanta Bicycle Coalition rebrands to Propel ATL
The new name reflects the organization’s expanded mission, follows PEDS merger last spring
ATLANTA (May 20, 2022) - One of the Southeast’s leading organizations dedicated to sustainable transportation advocacy is now Propel ATL.
The new name reflects the nonprofit’s expanded mission that was adopted in 2019 — to reclaim Atlanta’s streets as safe, inclusive and thriving spaces for people to ride, walk, and roll.
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Peachtree Street for people: the letter
Deep-pocketed yet narrow veins of opposition to safe and complete streets and people-centered design must not be allowed to dictate the design of public spaces.
In March, after learning that the Peachtree Shared Street pilot would be removed, we joined other advocates in calling on the City of Atlanta to demonstrate its commitment to creating a Peachtree Street for people. Now it’s May, and we believe it’s time to make the next steps for this project official and to regain momentum.
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A Vote for Funding: Expectations, Past Realities, Future Need
Have you ever wanted more sidewalks, bike / Light Individual Transportation lanes, and safer streets in Atlanta?
On May 24th, you will have the opportunity to vote on three ballot measures that will put over $460M over five years toward vital transportation projects in Atlanta, as part of an overall $750M infrastructure program.
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Peachtree Street for people
This week the City of Atlanta announced it would remove the Peachtree Street shared space pilot project. The three-block pilot was intended to test the benefits of converting a general traffic lane to space for people outside of cars. By most accounts, the project achieved its goals – 27% more people walking on the street and 11% fewer motor vehicles – but also attracted some powerful detractors.
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First 10 speed cameras in Atlanta school zones coming soon
Updated March 2022
Every day, thousands of Atlanta children walk or bike to school in the city of Atlanta. On the way, they wave at neighbors, get exercise, chat with friends.
And all too often, they face life-threatening risks from speeding drivers.
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Pedestrian fatalities rise; U.S. DOT announces strategy to eliminate traffic deaths
Last fall, we alerted you to an alarming rise in pedestrian fatalities. Although we had only partial data at the time, it appeared even more people were losing their lives in needless and preventable ways on streets in Atlanta and across the state.
Now we have more information, and it’s worse than it seemed.
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Congratulations to the new Atlanta Board of Education!
The Atlanta Bicycle Coalition congratulates the newly-elected Board of Education for Atlanta Public Schools! Thank you for your tireless commitment to developing and supporting the next generation of leaders.
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Congratulations from the Atlanta Bicycle Coalition to Atlanta’s newly-elected leadership
Congratulations from the Atlanta Bicycle Coalition to Atlanta’s newly-elected leadership: our 61st Mayor-elect Andre Dickens, Council President-elect Doug Shipman, and seven returning Atlanta City Councilmembers who will be joined by eight new City Councilmembers!
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Summerhill Bus Rapid Transit: ways to make Atlanta's first BRT route a success!
As an organization that envisions an Atlanta where everyone moves safely, easily, and sustainably throughout the city, we were very pleased when MARTA launched efforts to build Bus Rapid Transit lines in Atlanta.
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