#Bond4Bikes Update: Early Voting and Ride the Gap
Last week was a big week for our #Bond4Bikes campaign, with two big events: the Ride the Gap and the start of early voting for the Infrastructure Bond.
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Lee Street Tweet and Greet
People for a Livable Lee Street in partnership with the Atlanta Bicycle Coalition and WeCycle Atlanta hosted a "Lee Street Tweet and Greet" this Saturday, February 14th.
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Congrats to this year's Blinkie Award winners
Eight local organizations and individuals were honored for their contributions to bicycling at The Blinkie Awards, our annual members award party, Friday February 13 at the Trees Atlanta Kendeda Center.
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Now Hiring: Events Coordinator
Want to join ABC in making Atlanta better by bike? We are hiring an events coordinator to help bring our events to life.
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People for a Livable Lee Street strive for a bikable/walkable connection
“What makes Lee Street livable as it is today?”
Brent Brewer, a resident of the Historic West End, asked this question at last week’s People for a Livable Lee Street Listening Session.
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Call to Action: #bond4bikes
On March 17, 2015, Atlantans will head to the polls to vote on a quarter-billion dollar infrastructure bond. The project list for the bond hasn't been finalized because there are hundreds of streets projects competing for the same pot of money.
The Atlanta Bicycle Coalition wants 15% of the bond to build bikeways and Complete Streets.
We've already made some big strides on the the preliminary project list, but we need to fill in some gaps on the list if the bond's going to be great for you, for bikes, and for Atlanta.
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You spoke up for bikes! One-third of public comments asked for bikeways and complete streets.
If the public comments from the city of Atlanta’s proposed infrastructure bond were a twitter feed, “bike projects” would be trending.
Even we were surprised to see the word "bike" show up 376 times and "complete streets" 126 times in the public comments!
An astounding one-third of all comments were requests for bike projects and Complete Streets. And a whopping 79 comments out of 767 total asked for DeKalb Avenue to be remade as a Complete Street!
That's a lot of support for the $23.4 million worth of projects that would include bikeways when resurfacing streets, which comes out to 9% of the $250 million worth of transportation proposals in the total proposed package. Here’s a small sample of the many wonderful comments:
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Protected bike lane along Atlanta Streetcar route on Park Place
A new bike lane on Park Place along the Atlanta Streetcar route got some protection recently. The City of Atlanta installed, at our request, vertical posts to prevent people from parking illegally in the bike lane. If you appreciate this as much as we do, email Public Works and Mayor Reed with a note of thanks.
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Celebrate the new year with a ribbon cutting
Let's start the new year right, with a ribbon cutting celebrating a new bike project - the PATH400! Dress warmly and bring your bike to celebrate the opening of the first phase of PATH400 - Friday, January 9th, 2015 at 11 am. This is a good opportunity for bike advocacy of the most enjoyable kind.
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How to cross streetcar tracks
Kenneth Rosskopf of KenBikeLaw.com is known in the cycling community as the guy to call if you crash your bike. Here are his tips, based on extensive experience, for crossing streetcar tracks.
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Bike safety and the Atlanta Streetcar
Atlanta's new streetcar starts service Tuesday, Dec 30 and people on bikes should use extra caution to stay safe. Share your ideas on how to raise awareness of bike safety and the streetcar, share your story if you've crashed on the tracks, or get involved by signing up here to volunteer.
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Volunteers clean up bike lane on Glenwood Ave
This Thanksgiving, we're grateful for amazing volunteers like these three.
Thank you David, Robin, and Jordan for cleaning up the Glenwood Ave bike lane for everyone to use!
Help encourage Public Works to sweep the bike lanes on a regular basis by calling 404.330.6333, emailing [email protected], or trying out the city's new 311 system.
City of Atlanta engineers and planners tour existing and future bike infrastructure
We took City of Atlanta Public Works engineers on a bike tour, to give staff responsible for designing and installing new bikeways the experience of using them. It was a big success! Now they want to make this a monthly event and extend the opportunity to others at the city. Read more for quotes from the ride.
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ABC & MARTA to install bike self-repair stands at train stations. Help us decide where to start!
ABC & MARTA are teaming up to install Dero #Fixit stands with bike tools and pumps at train stations.
Help us pick which stations should get the bike repair stands. Check out the maps below, then share your list of top six stations in the comments.
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